For our second week, I am adding the first episode in another series called The Wartime Farm. I watched both series this summer and gleaned so much goodness from both (and can’t remember what I gleaned from where : ) that it seems a good idea to watch both. As someone mentioned, the Wartime Kitchen and Garden episodes are too short, so this will round out our studies. I warn you tho’, the second series isn’t as gentle as the first. There is the somewhat dramatic music and sometime contrivance that is so common with reality tv shows, but it is still very, very good.

Wartime Kitchen & Garden-episode two

The Wartime Farm-episode one

Looking forward to your thoughts!

P.S. Last night, I started reading We are the Weather by Jonathan Safran Foer. It is very interesting and he is making connections in a way that I haven’t seen elsewhere, but that echo my own. He alluded to WWII for a long section, which makes me think he is going to be finding useful learning from it, as we are. I’ll keep you posted about it, but it is worth getting from your library, if you can.

P.P.S. Please do spread the word! You are welcome to use any of the film club photos, as well as our logo found here. So grateful for the sharing that has already been happening, in sidebars of blogs and mentions on Instagram and in newsletters.