Joining in with Heather by (in her lovely words)

“Capturing my love of whole foods, combined with the activity of a bustling kitchen.

A weekly collection of photos from the center of my home.”

kitchen instagram










…my kitchen isn’t exactly bustling these days, but we spent much good time together this week…as I gave it an autumn makeover, bringing some of the outdoors in…and settled into some new rhythms of making…nut-milk and cosy porridges…and some putting-by of watermelon juice for the freezer, dried bean pods to shell for seed-saving, and several jars of roasted tomatoes.

A bit of clearing and paring down, too, creating some spaciousness that had disappeared (doesn’t it always?). We are reading Serving Fire at Wisteria & Sunshine, and it is inspiring me to make my kitchen and what I do there feel more like this…

Learning to nourish, learning to be nourished, takes place at the hearth. When we tend the hearth, we open ourselves to receiving nourishment that feeds us—body and soul. This is possible because we still carry deep within us the ancient wisdom of the hearth, the knowledge of the sacred relationship between inner and outer worlds.”

-Anne Scott