Hello Lesley, Such beautiful pictures. I love your style, your boots and your skirts and a hot air balloon ride,looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing! Jenni
Lesley, I found your blog by reading a comment you wrote on Heather’s site at Beauty That Moves,the one regardning Laurel’s Kitchen. I noticed you said you live in Virginia, as do I. I am in the Shenandoah Valley, are you anywhere close by? I LOVE your blog, The Bower. Your photos and style and writing are beautiful. I have been reading and reading your past posts and feel such similarities between you and I. Thanks for having such a beautiful spirit and sharing it with others. Debbie
My name is Lesley and I love to create beauty and peace...in my home, online rooms and the pages I design for my shop. I live in the countryside of Virginia with my husband, one white dog and all of the wild things in field and forest and sky.
Jenni October 8, 2012 at 2:52 pm
Hello Lesley,
Such beautiful pictures. I love your style, your boots and your skirts and a hot air balloon ride,looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing!
debbie h. October 17, 2012 at 12:54 am
Lesley, I found your blog by reading a comment you wrote on Heather’s site at Beauty That Moves,the one regardning Laurel’s Kitchen. I noticed you said you live in Virginia, as do I. I am in the Shenandoah Valley, are you anywhere close by? I LOVE your blog, The Bower. Your photos and style and writing are beautiful. I have been reading and reading your past posts and feel such similarities between you and I. Thanks for having such a beautiful spirit and sharing it with others.