…that today is the sixth anniversary of The Bower. Seven years of words and pictures and connection with dear and interesting people. I reread my very first post and found this closing paragraph:
How good I hope the time spent here will be. A place to hold my thoughts about making a heart-felt home-life, this Earth-our larger home, my studio and work and so many other good things. When others begin to find this, perhaps I can finally have a sort-of “Letters to Each Other” which I envisioned when The Bower was a paper and ink journal. Wish me well! I wish you the same.
We have had very good conversation and exchange here over the years, tho’ it does seem to get quieter and quieter. Of course, I suppose I am quieter here as a whole world of conversation and sharing has blossomed at Wisteria & Sunshine. I believe that all that I described and wished for in that first post has been made manifest within its protected, sunny spaces.
My sincere thoughts, on this anniversary, are that I will continue to post here…but it is bound to be less often, as so much of my creative time goes elsewhere now.
But I would like to celebrate and show my gratitude for all the years of visits here with a giveaway, as I often have. So I will be back here very soon with a giveaway of a trial membership or two for Wisteria & Sunshine.
And since it is nearly midnight, and therefore, nearly the First of May. My “little women” and I would like to wish you a very merry May Day…
craftyncer May 1, 2012 at 3:33 am
I do hope you post more. I have enjoyed your blog for many years and hope to enjoy it for many more.
melissa May 1, 2012 at 4:00 am
It’s always so calming to read your posts. I thank you for that. 🙂
Virginia Mallon-Ackermann May 1, 2012 at 3:11 pm
A very happy anniversary to you! Please do continue on sharing your life, art and happy photos. I visit often, but don’t comment nearly enough. I love so many things on your pages, but today that great photograph of the walnut candle wins hands down! How wonderful. Equally as enchanting is that sweet chicken at the top of this page. You are such an inspiration, thank you for sharing.
Lesley May 2, 2012 at 11:13 am
Hi Lesley. Sorry to use your comments box for this, but I can’t find any other way to contact you.
I’ve just signed up to Wisteria and Sunshine and can’t log in! It keeps telling me my username is invalid although nothing flagged up on registration. I do hope you can resolve this for me. Many thanks. Lesley
Doreen Frost May 2, 2012 at 11:13 am
Good morning Lesley. Your posts are so wonderful and although I do not make it over nearly often enough, I always…always enjoy my visits.
happy anniversary & many more to you.