I first read Edith Holden’s entry for the 24th of February on the 24th….but must have just skimmed it without really taking it in. When I read it again just before I turned the page to March, I was back in the longing place I used to be so often as a young woman…the longing to have lived in an earlier time, a slower time, a quieter time (except when one of the then-new automobiles might have passed by!), a time when a thoughtful farmer might bring you a lamb to hold after you have just picked armfuls of his flowers….
Edith’s ride on that day seems the perfection of this time of year….yes, even down to the seven-mile ride in the sleet and snow. Imagine how good the eventual dry clothes and hot tea and scones would be…
Oh! What I would give right now for a little dark-faced lamb to hold in my arms as it nuzzles my face…my bicycle leaning up against a stone wall, it’s basket full of snowdrops…
the wild magnolia March 3, 2011 at 8:40 pm
I used to have a copy of this but it has disappeared. Too many travels have lost me too many treasures.
Her life and times are so interesting. I must find another copy.
Little lambs are so snuggly and lovable, and snowdrops….filled with wonder.
Dinahsoar March 3, 2011 at 10:15 pm
I’ve never held a lamb but it would be a delight I imagine. I love reading about adventures in the English country side…thanks for sharing this.
Mary Lou March 5, 2011 at 1:58 am
What a wonderful peaceful post and also your Valentine one. Thank you.
Bonnie March 9, 2011 at 5:34 pm
Thank you for the reminder to open that book and slow down. Ponder and look. God is a delicious good. ( Thomas Watson…1620-1686)