…used to find me here in my cosy booth at the Bizarre
Bazaar in Richmond. Today it found me visiting other
booths, mine just memory. A warm memory.
Not being much of a shopper, I prefer the pillowed
chair I used to have in the corner of my booth, to
making our way through the crowds today.
But the dear friend by my side and those I met
here and there along the way made it a very
good (tho’ different) sort-of December third.
the wild magnolia December 4, 2010 at 1:42 pm
The booth, now captured in time, reminds me of you. The way you see and feel the world. You teach us of a neutral, natural beauty, and to look for the textures of life.
Thank you, dear heart.
Dori December 4, 2010 at 4:59 pm
Such a pretty little ‘shop’ you had, Lesley. Warm, cozy, inviting. How did you fit all that in your car?!?
melissa December 4, 2010 at 5:22 pm
Oh, your photo is so beautiful. Love the gold/beige colors…very soothing (as are your websites here!). Maybe someday you’ll be back there, but really, what your doing for your mom is wonderful indeed. 🙂
Enjoy your weekend, sweet one.
J. Chapman December 7, 2010 at 11:50 pm
Oh, I missed you too! Several times I thought about you and how I used to be able to stop in to your booth and all of the crowds and noise would just fade away. Thank you for posting the photo. I didn’t get to see you, not sure where I was when you came. Glad to see your posts. -Julie