on a sunday in autumn….

…I am drawing names for small gifts of notecards, and re-reading all the titles of the recommended books, and thinking of all the worlds that are now calling me to enter in and have a look around. Thank you.Karen Edmisten, Sharon (the Sharon who recommended Rosamunde Pilcher and Elizabeth Goudge), Bonnie Buckingham, Gwyn and Holly will be receiving emails from me today and then the Books and Readers notecards in the week to come (or so!).

That was pleasant and diverting. And now I must hie me to my website and add some new things there. I intended to add things earlier in the week, but found that the delightful presence of my sweet five year-old nephew from Santa Fe proved much more enticing than being in front of the computer. Oh, it was restortive to have a snuggling, inquisitive one nearby for a few days!

I shall leave you with this Autumn tableau that I created a few weeks ago…the swallows have now left us, but the crickets are still filling the air with song and cups of tea begin to punctuate my days…autumnblogpoem

(click to enlarge!)


gentle hoopla!

We are celebrating here at home as
the orders come into my inbox again, and I receive
lovely little messages from far and near.
It is wonderful.

My online shop has re-opened after
seven months of other responsibilities.
So let me share some details about the shop
reopening and then the particulars of a little
giveaway I would like to have to
honor the occasion.

I wanted you to know that there are many
new things in the shop now, and there will be
more to come as I get these ideas out of my head
and into reality in my studio. The calendar and
my planner-to-be are the big projects, with
other little papery beauties for home
and desk to come.

And I also wanted you to know that I will
have Holiday things in the shop after Halloween…
I don’t want to rush things!

In addition to the new creations in the shop,
I also redesigned a few old offerings-the Jane Austen
missives, for instance, and my Books and Readers
set of notecards (well, half of this set!). So the new
set is in the shop and I have five packages of the
old set on my studio shelves….what to do
with them?


I would like to give them away to five of my
readers here…but I am going to ask for something
in return. Life has been so full the past few months,
that I have found little time to read. This just
feels wrong, and can’t go on, but I don’t have
an enticing novel to read at the moment
(tho’ I am enjoying dipping into Julia Child’s
autobiography now and then).

I have gone through all the Dorothy Sayer
novels, and as much as I know I would like them,
I don’t want to reread Miss Read just now. I don’t
want to reread anything, actually, so I am hoping you can
introduce me to some fresh and wonderful books. I do
love a series, so that I can steep myself in another
world for a good, long while-but that is not a
requirement. Just something to turn to at
the end of a long day and lose myself
within its pages.

I will be happily reading your suggestions
for the rest of the week and next Sunday I will
draw five names from the comments and give those
chosen the last of the old sets of Notes on Books
and Readers.

Lovely newness!

*How lovely is this? Please keep the suggestions
coming! I did want to say that-yes-I greatly enjoyed
the Guernsey Lit. book, and Elizabeth Goudge and
Rosamunde Pilcher are long-time favorites. I wish
there were some that would still be new to me…
I am so looking forward to meeting all these
new stories in the weeks to come.*