delicious autumn…

It has been a week spent in my studio, making

and wrapping and adorning.
But all the orders were taken to the post office
yesterday afternoon and this morning I picked my
mom up from the assisted-living place and brought
her to her home for a visit…the first since August.

So many of you have kindly asked after my mother,
and I am glad to say that she is well. We spent a beautiful
day in Williamsburg last week, truly soaking in the
color and motion and peace of the perfect
Autumn day we were gifted with.

And I thought of George Eliot’s words

“Delicious Autumn…”

…and how fitting her adjective is for the
gorgeousness I saw everywhere I looked.

And now we are at my mom’s house at the beach,
where there are no yellow leaves or brown acorns…
but there is the same delicate Autumn sunlight
to turn our faces towards…together…and
I continue to store up these golden days,
like coins, warm in my hands.


october into november

Our lone pumpkin moonshine…
more flowers than leaves scattered amongst the
pictures of the dear ones this year…a few moments of
candle-lit hush before hurrying out the door to an evening
of music and warmth with our youngest whilst the eldest
is in the city celebrating Halloween in new

I am getting used to the changes…
in our celebrations as the years unwind…
with the additions to the gathering on the piano…
Life is good at teaching this.
Nature is a generous teacher, as well…
with Autumn days of yellow leaves and balmy warmth,
flowers blooming on and on and cosy days of grey
and rain, like today.

I am having a supremely lazy day,
content to look out the windows at the red leaves
on the dogwood tree, and the yellow roses blooming
by the door, compose something here to leave in the
hedgerow, anticipate watching another episode of
my Midsomer Murders mysteries later
in the afternoon…


Just being slow and still and gathering up strength
and nourishment from the love and beauty and goodness
I feel all around me today. The week will be a busy one
of filling orders, designing my calendar and book of days,
planning for the last lovely months of the year, taking
my mom on a little trip. But today is quiet and ever
so peaceful and I am savoring it.