If you receive my newsletter or have been to my website
lately, you already know that I am having a “Rummage
Sale”. It has been really satisfying to poke around in all
the corners of the cupboards in my studio and to sift through
the stacks upon my shelves to find what hasn’t made it
to my shows or on the website, but still holds beauty
and possibilities.
sundrybundle2It has been really satisfying to find and sort and offer
and to receive the welcome gift of more space and clearness
in my studio and, therefore, in my mind.
Which is something I appreciate right now as I am getting
ready to design and make for my Spring shows.

By the end of next week I think I will have found
everything there is to share, and it makes me very happy
to think of all these pretty bits of paper finding new
use and purpose in people’s sweet lives.


Another bit of paper-the spare issue of British Country Living
that I wanted to give away-will be going to Rhonda, whom I am
glad to have “met” through this week’s comments. So many
lovely places I was led to this week, with appreciation for
everyone’s thoughts on the quiet pleasures, sooty adventures
and readiness for the end of Winter.P.S. These photos were taken at my mom’s house and thus
the carpeting you can see in the background….something you
won’t find in our old house, tho’ I must admit it can be cosy.
It is late in the afternoon here and I have only the firelight
and the computer screen for brightness in the storm-darkened
room. My mom is napping, the wind is blowing fiercely,
the bay is wild with galloping waves and the rain
is pouring down. I wish it would go on
for hours….tho’ I see piled and gold-tipped clouds in the
west and know that it will soon be over.