
I chose three words this New Year to be my North Stars…




Open was a last-minute addition, feeling I needed it to balance the other two, wanting to stay receptive in the midst of constancy.  Sufficiency and  Deepen pointed me towards the path of devotion that I’ve been following (however imperfectly!) for the past while. Trying to post here each Friday has been one of those expressions of devotion. But my new moon listening has told me that this particular tendril needs to be loosened…at least for now.

I have been deepening with my devotion to Wisteria & Sunshine and Small Meadow Post, with the Daybook and the creating of my newest heart-calling…and that is plenty. I’ll still post here, and will always be adding newness to other corners here, but will leave it up to the muse as to when I journal in this space.

Sarah’s post had me nodding my head in agreement the other day, and knowing it to be true for me at the moment…that it is easier and a more natural part of my days to post elsewhere. So, this is where you will find me more often and more dependably…

My personal instagram @lesley.austin

Wild Simplicity Daybook’s instagram @wildsimplicitydaybook

Rosehip Business instagram @rosehipbusiness

And I am attempting to post more at my Pinterest account. I am such a visual person and appreciate that aspect of it, but also find it overwhelming, so we shall see how it goes…

Lesley Austin :: Wild Simplicity

Of course, I post daily at Wisteria & Sunshine (links to it and all that I create in the world may be found in the circles above) and occasionally with my newsletters. I am listening there, too, and tho’ I intended to send them out on the new and full moons, I am finding that once a moon is probably about right for them…and me (link at the bottom of left of this page).

Hoping to see you here and there as we each plant our signposts around this webby land, leaving our small stacks of stones and flowers and feathers at their feet.
