Welcome to Papery Days…
In future gatherings, I am sure I will always welcome those who are new here…but we are all new to this first gathering of paper girls. This page describes what Papery Days is about, why I had the longing to begin such a gathering. But, say you would like to join the gathering…
…then look around in your everyday life and pay attention to some of the paper in those days and create a post about it. Then come back here and link to that post so that we can visit your sharing and enjoy the focus upon the usefulness and beauty of paper.
You are welcome to add the button below, but the only real requirement is a post from you and link to me here.

Mine will probably be the sporadic sort of link gathering, but we shall see.
My Papery Days post shares some glimpses of the time I have lately been spending in my studio in the morning…perched on the chaise next to my work table…old magazines spread about me.
Scissors and paste are always near-to-hand. Leafing through half a magazine or so (British Country Living December issues so far) each early morning, I am often lured into enjoying an article or two on the spot…but others that entice get torn out and stapled into little bundles for future delight…
…pictures get torn or cut out and sorted into ruffly stacks that grow around me on table and chaise….
…some will eventually find their way into the sections I created in my Daybook to help me towards An Unhurried Christmas…
…and some will get pasted onto things or pinned to boards, and many will just stay in their papery piles….for beauty’s sake. Sometimes, it is just the mulling, choosing and recognizing that is the important part of the morning’s musings…
Until next time, I look forward to seeing you and your papery adventures in the links below…even if it is the sharing of a book you are reading just now. That is an everyday paper that I never want to disappear, will never let disappear if I can help it.
Paper girls unite!
Or just gather round…
(If you are new to such gatherings and would like to see how they work and look once people are joining in, here are a few to visit.)
jenni December 1, 2013 at 3:10 pm
I love this idea so much and am excited to create something, so much fun. Of course I love seeing all your paper piles and your Daybook, so lovely.
Maggie Pinque December 3, 2013 at 9:07 pm
I tried, really I did, to add a link yesterday and it was technology=1, me=0.
I have never participated in anything like this and I like it! 🙂
I have special stacks of papers cut out as well, Leslie. It reminded me of home.