These roses were my companions from Tuesday until today. Just a five dollar bouquet from Trader Joes, but Oh! they had the sweetest, most potent scent. And they are just like the roses that used to twine up the old tree in my backyard…as a young woman-girl. They rambled and curved into bowers of sanctuary and when I climbed the tree almost to its top, I would have to carefully avoid the thorns as I picked my way higher and higher.
The bouquet was faded and no longer sweet-scented this morning, but still looked beautiful when I dropped it over the porch railing on top of the little pile of Christmas cedar-berried branches. If I could see them now in the icy rain…they might be more beautiful still.
I believe I am rambling a bit, like my old roses…but my brain is rather weary, in a very good way, for it is tired out by the joy of writing and sharing and tending and watching a little dream come true this past week.
And even as I write this, my eyelids keep drooping, so I will just “hello!” and I will be back here when I am able and awake and send you love in the meantime.
Bonnie January 22, 2012 at 3:32 am
I did the same thing at Trader Joe’s…bought some white-greenish roses that had some slight touches of red on the edges, just slight.
Love :Wisteria and Sunshine! It makes me feel like Victoria magazine does.
the wild magnolia January 22, 2012 at 4:58 am
wish we had a trader joe’s, $5.00 for roses, unheard of.
Salina January 22, 2012 at 7:04 am
Wisteria and Sunshine really has been so much fun and I’m so glad that your dream has come true.:) You are doing such a great job there. Thanks so much Lesley.:)
melissa February 7, 2012 at 10:43 pm
Missing your posts, and hoping all is well. 🙂
kerrie of sea cottage February 8, 2012 at 5:48 pm
Thank you for your comment and help. I appreciate it so much. I do love the softness of your blog. I always have. The gentleness I find here is calming. I haven’t even tried the new interface but you are the first to tell me that you like it better. I just remember when I made the changes to the new blogger format and how stressful it was. I actually lost my blog for a few days. I have heard if I change to the new interface that my blog cannot remain as it is now. But maybe that would be a good thing. I do like the faded flowers on your background. Did you create it? Or was it available in the new interface?