…a Christmas book, which is not a Christmas book…
I hope that version is as powerful as the one I discovered on my husband’s ipod a few evenings ago (we can’t watch videos on the computer at home, so I haven’t actually seen it!)…and listened to about fourteen times in a row feeling Christmas so deeply…with much weeping, however. Good weeping…cleansing and longing and hopeful.
And Elizabeth Goudge’s magical, historical stories have been tiding me over nicely until I could get to the library today. So you may expect a proper Christmas reading post tomorrow, but in the meantime…do you have stories and music that aren’t technically Christmas but that make you feel as tho’ they are?
Bonnie December 10, 2011 at 11:12 pm
Yes, Elizabeth Goudge.
Have you read The Joy of the Snow, her autobiography?