Just last night I discovered this lovely website for the first time. I was tidying my studio and rewarding myself with peeks at new blogs after each task accomplished. I was drawn to the name “Artsy Mama” because I used to describe myself as “artist mama” in the early days of my Internet-joining-of-groups. My sons won’t call me “mama” anymore, except on special occasions to please me, or if they are attempting to cajole me into something. I hope that Kari (Artsy Mama) still gets to hear that sweet word everyday in her colorful, creative home.
I am in a “clearing the decks” mood in studio and home and Life these days, and don’t have a project to share or artwork to offer. So my Artful Blogger party favor will be some photos of my studio…..most especially the quote that I have been pinning my hopes on as I spend my days freshening up our home.
I made these “paper curtains” to cover all the little boxes of found objects and piles of handmade paper that I keep in this old, ink-stained school desk. The large stamps are some I used to use with my boys when they were young, and the smaller stamps are part of my hand-carved alphabet.
This whimsical bird sits on the shelf that I look at from my desk-when I am not staring out of the window or at the computer screen! On this shelf I have creations and gifts from many of the amazing women I have been graced to meet. This beauty was made by the gentle hands and heart of my sister-in-law Lisa Smith.
The wondrous painted box is from my another of my sisters-in-law-Chiara in Chicago….the cup from dear Dori who knows my love of brown & white crockery….and the picture peeking out from behind you might recognize as the delicate and lovely work of Katie Estvold.
This is a tiny bit of the view from my wrapping area and you can see a glimpse of the handmade paper-chains that I will be offering on my website in the near future. The wispy branch is some sort of plant from our upper meadow, gone to seed. It reminds me of an autumnal fairy Christmas tree and one day I hope to adorn it. You can also see a little doll in a cup. She guards the first dollars I received in exchange for one of my creations when Small Meadow Press began. She was the last doll I made one Winter Solstice before my sons and I gave up our sweet doll-making altogether.
I will leave you with another view from my wrapping desk. I have had this picture since I discovered Green Tiger Press in the early 1980’s when I worked at a wonderful bookshop in Williamsburg. I still have the catalogs of their remarkable stationery and books, and when I think of them, I realize what an unconscience influence they have been on my own little business and the artfulness of my life. This illustration by Cooper Edens has meant many different things to me over the years…just now it speaks strongly to me of holding onto creativity, which can be so elusive…but winged and gorgeous when our arms are wrapped around it.
Wishing full arms to all of us!
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