making do

  how to start a movement...with wine (organic, of course)

If you asked me, I would have said until recently that I was “making do” in so much of the way I lived. I’ve tried to live thoughtfully and even coined a phrase that spoke of this approach to life. Living lightly on the earth has been at the heart of my work and my everydays. As it is for many. But I wonder if like me, you have found it sometimes challenging, difficult to be consistent with…and lonely?

Late this summer, I read a book that I have read many times before, but this time around it spoke to me of a way to deepen and broaden with these earth-healing ways. I’ve written about my awakening to this in the How the Idea Began page here. It’s still hard to put the feeling I’ve been discovering into words, but I’ve tried to describe it in that post. Basically, I want us all to feel a part of something much bigger than we do when we say no to a plastic straw or bring our cloth bags to the grocery store (tho’ those ways are certainly a part of it!) and part of something that truly has a chance of making a difference. Because we are running out of time. And because we need to be doing more to help heal ourselves, as well. We are all connected…earth, sea, sky and all who live on and in them. We haven’t realized this as profoundly as we must from now on.

The good news is that we can honor these connections, and live them out in our kitchens and gardens, with our pocketbooks and our creativity. So many are already, but I believe there is more power and hope in feeling a part of something bigger. It’s another sort of connection, isn’t it? That is why I am starting a movement, and hoping you will join me and spread the word. You may begin my sharing this post via the strange little symbol directly below this post and all the others in our new home here. There is also this post on Instagram that you can share.

I’ll share details and stories and begin the thread of actions that we will be weaving into this movement through the blog posts I will leave here in the days, weeks and years to come. This idea has been simmering for the past six weeks or so, but I only had the thought to bring it into being three days ago. When I heard about the worldwide climate strike (through the amazing Greta Thunberg) I thought this could be my introverted, stay-at-home way of participating. : ) And so it is, but as soon as I finish this post, I’ll be making a sign to take to the climate strike gathering in town. So it is very much a work in progress. I made most of it yesterday and there are bound to be links that don’t work, typos or something missing. I’ve been making do. : ) But please let me know if you notice anything that needs mending. And get in touch with me if you want to help, have ideas or contributions, or anything else.



lesley at wisteriasunshine dot com

P.S. Please excuse the huge photo at the top of the post, this is a new theme and I haven’t figured out all its ways yet. : )

P.P.S. You may find the comment box by clicking “comments” at the top of the post.

how the idea began…

Since the eighties when I became a vegetarian, planted my first organic garden and joined a food coop, I’ve been aware that there were gentler ways to live than the mainstream, conventional ways I was raised with. Since the turn of this century, living more earth-thoughtfully has been at the heart of my life and work, however imperfectly expressed. But I’ve recently felt an urgency about doing something different, something more wide-reaching than what I’ve so far managed to share the message of earth-thoughtfulness. Funnily enough, it was in the reading of a beloved novel that I saw a way in. And the idea has been growing and crystallizing in the weeks since we read The Shell Seekers (by Rosamunde Pilcher) at Wisteria & Sunshine (my long-time membership blog.) Below, I’ve shared what I wrote there in a few posts in late July after reading the chapter called “Richard.”

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You know how much I value older books (or books about older times) for what they can teach me-now-about living more intentionally, more thoughtfully, more simply. Well, most of these passages touch upon that, in both practical and emotional ways.

Reading about the war years in this chapter has been illuminating. I have no hope that the countries of the world might view the climate crisis in the same way as I would like to, but it would surely begin to untangle some of the daunting muddles we are facing, would it not? Imagine if we all felt as the British did during the war, ready and willing to face deprivation for the good of all that it would save and heal? Penelope and all those very real people she represents didn’t enjoy the lack of so many tasty things or the scratchy toilet paper, but it was a part of the huge effort it took to win the war. I wish we would be called on to do the same by some wise and powerful council with the systems to support it. That is what arose in me reading this chapter, a glimpse of some “big” ways with our Small Ways that feels somewhat visionary and hopeful…even if we can-mostly-only live it out with our individual efforts in our own domestic spheres.

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You may remember that a month or so ago we were reading the Shell Seekers and I shared about how moved I was by the scenes during the war years, making connections between the sacrifices made then and my thought that similar sacrifices now could be a part of healing our imperiled planet. I’ve been doing much research, and it turns out the quite a few folk have had the same thought. Some have even worked out an in-depth approach on the political/governmental level and are trying to get it some attention. Unfortunately, they’ve dubbed it The Climate Mobilization. I am all for it, and have contacted my representatives about it and will support it in any way I can, but…

…it’s one of those Big Ways that we sometimes have to wait a long time to see come to fruition and have too little control over. And after many wobbly months, I’ve come back ’round to finding my faith again in the Small Ways. Seeing them held within a new effort for the earth, based on a historical, domestic effort that has become familiar (and was successful) has given me this hope. So, in between the monarchs emerging, the moon-watching and the morning glories, I’ve been listening deeply for a name that is more inspiring and more fitting for our scale of effort than “climate mobilization.”

I watched some wartime shows, read some articles…jotting down notes, spent sleepless hours trying out possibilities, talked to a friend about it, perused old posters online and couldn’t come up with anything home-like and down-to-earth…until it came to me last night as I was watching Queer Eye (no connection, my ponderings had just finally sifted out : ) When I found that no one seems to have used it online or made a hashtag of it, I was overjoyed and am now settling in to the wondering of where to go from here.”

The morning I shared this at Wisteria & Sunshine, I quickly made this logo in Photoshop, needing to bring this idea more into being. It is very much a first draft, but captures the spirit of the movement I hope many of us may grow together…
At first I felt that “home front” might be too militaristic. But we are in a fight, and perhaps its time to be more forceful and clear, as well as gentle? Making do. It is the answer to so much. If enough of us Make Do, perhaps we can then Mend the Earth?
Are you in?