….I hope to be celebrating with a picnic basket and my favorite secluded spot at the river beach. In the basket will be a piece of cake, a thermos of tea, a crockery cup to drink it in and a cloth napkin. Oh, and my book to read. From all that I have learned about her over the years, Tasha Tudor did picnics well…and often.
To do the same will be something to aim for.
I spent many hours yesterday working on a Tasha Tudor post for Wisteria & Sunshine. Honoring these Banner Days of women we admire has become one of my favorite threads of what I try to weave there. Here is a link to the post I wrote a few years ago, with joy and gratitude for all that Tasha shared with us of herself…
sarah August 28, 2014 at 2:56 am
I wish I could join you on your picnic 🙂 Soon it will be summer here and I’ll once again be taking a basket with lemonade and cupcakes and strawberries to the beach 🙂
Gae August 28, 2014 at 8:50 am
Oh yes a picnic would be fun. Perhaps I might do that instead of a tea party
Thanks for the idea
jenni August 28, 2014 at 4:26 pm
Your simple picnic by the river sounds like the perfect idea for the end of summer and a great way to celebrate Tasha Tudor. Maybe i can come up with a similar idea as well 🙂 Enjoy your day
Jude August 29, 2014 at 11:15 am
I loved this post. I had a huge collection of Tasha Tuder books. I followed her for years. I was an antique dealer off and on for many years and collected childrens books for myself. I live in the south and not that many people are familiar with Tasha Tuder, so when I would come across her books in used bookshops, I would snap them up. Several years ago I decided to take an early retirement and move to Costa Rica. I had to sell my many collections including my library. I had advertised the sale of vintage books and one day a lady from Vermont came by and asked, “You wouldn’t by any chance have books by Tasha Tuder?” She LOVED Tasha and was absolutely thrilled with my collection. She bought everything. I was so happy with this bit of serendipty. Tasha was a wonderful role model for women who want to live outside the box of conventionality and don’t wish to conform to modern day expections. She enriched my life as she has enriched yours and we are the better for it. Jude
Linnie August 30, 2014 at 8:51 pm
This was a delightful visit! Visually and heartfuly! Thank you for a peacefulness 😉
Now I am off to see your other Wisteria & Sunshine post!
Many Blessings, Linnie
Lidy September 3, 2014 at 9:38 am
I love this post. I have collected many Tasha books, and cherish each and every one. When my girls were small, we read and read and read Tasha’s books. Now that I have grand children, we are once again enjoying her books. My grand girls especially love The Corgiville stories, filled with those darling Corgi’s and some naughty characters invented by Tasha. Tasha Tudor was not only so very creative and talented, she was a sublime example of being exactly who YOU are, to do things you love in your own way, and to make each day as beautiful as possible.