July here is beginning as June ended…with a lull in the dependable rain and the heat settling in. I am in my summer home-rhythms of early morning enjoyment of the outside and the hour or two of open doors and windows, before it is time to close them, draw the curtains (never entirely) and take the hours unhurriedly…
I’m spending most of my waking hours in the studio, working on the new printables and the school year Daybook collection. There is, of course, much more to learn and figure out than I imagined, so the work goes slowly, but steadily.
It feels like a gift that my work is seasonally-oriented, keeping me focused on the cyclical, rooted bits of life. That feels especially important when so much around us, even when we try to be careful with what we take in, feels untethered and often troubling.
So the daylilies blooming against the old white fence, as they always do, and the first monarch butterfly emerging from the first chrysalis adorning our house are where I center my attention…if only for brief, appreciative moments. Those moments fill something inside me that I draw from when I need to. Those sorts of moments are what I will focus on when I create the desktop (and phone) wallpapers I plan to create for you going forward.
A lovely reason to visit on the first of each month (ah…a new rhythm!) with something useful and beautiful for you to find. There will be a calendar on the desktop one…much prettier to reference than usual computer calendar when you need a glance at the month. And I am finding since I made this for myself a few days ago that it makes me want to tidy up my desktop more often than usual to experience more peace when I see flowers, field and sky.
Since I’m new to all of this, do let me know if the downloads don’t work for you. It has worked for me to click the image to open in a new window, then either drag it off or right-click to download, then add to your desktop/screensaver photo folder.
Wishing you a July full of pleasure and rest,
sarah July 2, 2018 at 4:24 am
it must be so lovely to have beauty as one’s work <3
Lesley July 2, 2018 at 9:27 am
And especially lovely when a dear friend points it out so that I may realize it all over again…and be very thankful. xo And don’t you feel your work is the same? I do.
Laurie A July 2, 2018 at 8:02 pm
I don’t remember seeing your studio before. I can see how the lovely space would inspire. I see the same sweet flowers in your vase as I take my daily walks with the pups. Your desktop calendar worked well for me. Thank you!
lesley July 11, 2018 at 11:21 am
You are a lovely noticer, Laurie. Thank you for letting me know about the desktop calendar. I’ve really been enjoying mine, and especially the phone version on my mini-ipad. The part of the sky that shows up is such a soothing peachy pink.
Jennifer Bomgardner July 6, 2018 at 5:17 pm
I just put up the desktop picture and it just looks beautiful! Thanks so much!! I always love seeing what you are working on and the gentle rhythm of your days. Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂
lesley July 11, 2018 at 11:22 am
You are very welcome, dear Jennifer.
Laurie Mayer July 8, 2018 at 11:22 am
Lesley, your studio is so lovely, bright and airy! It must bring you such joy!
lesley July 11, 2018 at 11:23 am
It does bring me so much pleasure, Laurie. It is an interesting mixture of light and airy in the morning and dim and peaceful in the afternoons.