…tho’ not under the covers as snug and cosy as this little fellow. Doesn’t that look like a nice bed to spend a few days in?

After arriving late to the train station on Saturday morning (they had to hold the train for our friend!), I could feel the cold descending upon me during the long drive home. I thought I was better today, and bustled around a bit, tidying the house…but halfway through the vacuuming I knew I had to give in to the cold again and I have spent the rest of the day curling up on any available sofa or chair.

So I wanted just to post here that I am going to keep trying to work on filling orders over the days to come, but won’t be able to get them out as quickly as I would like. I do apologize! I did manage to print out the orders yesterday, and printed a last few needed calendar pages today…but that is all. It has been a lovely surprise to receive so many orders after the busy Christmas season, but the fact that it was such a busy season means I will need to make everything from scratch….my cupboards are bare!

I feel the sofa calling me again…but wish you all quiet and bright days in this fresh New Year.