May 2014

women who do too little…


…may walk through life slowly enough to notice beauty at every turn…


…and drop with ease into what some call meditation with the captivation of rain-dropped fields and cloud-strewn skies…


…and there is always time for loving…


…but the duskier side spilled out in words on retreat when the free-writing prompt was “This is the power of creativity…”

…a slow welling up of desire, too often put aside, unhonored.

You put the brush under the stream of water from the faucet, swirl it in circles along the earthy minerals, paint it across your eyelid.

You dip the brush in the jam jar of water, swirl it amongst the vegetable colors and paint circles-only to contain your day…the sewing machine sitting unused behind you, the stacks of magazines and your pot of paste untouched…

When oh when will you let the power of creativity wash over you,tumble you at the ocean’s edge ’till you feel near to drowning?


Even with the spaciousness of my hiatus around me, I am finding it hard to take the plunge. Tho’ I did feel the water rushing over my toes, atleast, when I made a start with some painting last week…


…and by the third row of my first embroidery stitches, the swirl of joy was playing around my fingers for a short time…


I’ve not come across a book yet, for we women who do too little. That is probably just as well…for books, more ideas, finding just the right resource…these are the refuge and sometimes, the obstacle, for women like me. Others struggle with just being. My struggle is more often with the actual doing…it is so easy to simply stay in my dreams or sitting on the earth gazing at the wind in the trees.

In my retreat notebook, I also came across this, written with my left-hand in response to another writing prompt:

This is what I want-to create with more ease-How can you help me?

I will help you to remember.

Just begin.

There is time.

And you will be able to do it.

