
a word, a star, a lantern…

Hello dear you,

On this day, fourteen years ago, I opened the doors to Wisteria & Sunshine, a membership site that grew from all that I was discovering and cherishing, in the midst of my quiet life. And it has remained a peaceful, nourishing place over all these years, I’m grateful to say. This month is always our Gentle January there, where we slowly and gently : ) give small attentions to our lives, so that we feel more more clear and ready to step into the year, come month’s end.

Most years I post about the word I have chosen as a touchstone…lantern…or north star…to guide me along my way. Yesterday, the post that I stitched together seemed especially bright and heartening, and I had the impulse to share it with you today. It’s been a long time since I left anything here for you to find. And in this time of such complexity online, and after spending too long this morning trying to find out why so many on my newsletter list aren’t receiving the letters I send, I’m keeping it simple and leaving it here, in case you happen by.

If you are on my mailing list and didn’t receive this, please get in touch and I will gladly sort it for you. That link will also serve as a comment box, if you like, because I am closing commenting now after too many years of dealing with an enormous amount of spam. Always seeking more peace in this online realm, tho’ missing the old days, just so you know…

This year, it is a lantern I am picturing, with the choice of my word, to both shine a light on my path through the months, but also, to glow from within me.

My word this year came from within. I thought it would be peaceful again…it is still the feeling I am most wanting for my life and my days, and I don’t feel finished with it. But, then this other word started to come to my notice when I read or heard it, and the ears of my soul pricked up.

And I soon saw that this new word is necessary to create and fully bring into being all that I discerned last year brings peace to me…with my healing…my home and garden…my relationships.

Last year, tho’ it brought more clarity and understanding of what I want and need, I didn’t manage to bring much of what I learned into visible difference or progress. My new word acknowledges this and gives me and my dreamy, Piscean soul some heartening encouragement.


I need to trust that with continued learning and attention, I will heal my chronic symptoms. I want to trust that I will find the energy and devotion to truly make my home and garden peaceful to me. And I desire that trust will overcome old patterns and habits that I am so ready to let go of, yet find still vex me.

As I discovered these paintings this morning, I found myself arranging them from the quiet, solitary, intentional lighting of a candle and placing it in a chosen lantern…to doing so in small company…to gathering with our lanterns lit and walking through our worlds with them.

Whether you are lighting your path in solitude or company, with words or simply your own hopes and desires, I wish you well with your journey. And may your January days be gentle.



P.S. I meant to mention, today I am opening up a new room at Wisteria & Sunshine. It is a private, lovely space where those of us on a healing path can share and find supportive company as we discover mind/body approaches to chronic pain and symptoms. I’ve been on this path for a few months now and am greatly encouraged. 💕It feels as tho’ I’ve found a door into a new world…that’s been there all along.

on autumn’s threshold…

When I last wrote, we were deep in summer and I still held onto some wisps of summery aspirations. But as July simmered and August sweltered, I let go of any lingering wisps and just coped. There were-of course-many beautiful moments and lovely noticings, but after some success with antidotes to languishing, I admit that I succumbed. And it was the right thing to do, with chronic pain visiting again no air-conditioning and all the dratted no-see-ums reveling in the tropical warmth.

And then, along came September, and with it some relief from it all and, therefore, a return of energy and vision. Not great heaps of it, but enough to sense a freshening flow in the depths of my too-still being. Now to nurture that trickle into something steady and enlivening…

September at Wisteria & Sunshine is when we usually focus on simplicity, especially in our homes. This September, it became clear that a focus on well-being, with simplicity at its heart, would serve us best. During my generous break from work at summer’s end, I pondered how that might unfold when I returned. And in the too-familiar way of things nowadays, I cluttered up my good intentions with too many ideas and possibilities. But time and wisdom (belatedly, and so welcome!) entered in a few days ago and I am now happily creating a low-key and lovely path of well-being that we will follow together in the weeks and months to come.

Well-being is my favorite word to describe what others might call fitness or health. Those words can be so barnacled with society’s ideas and approaches, with negativity and commercialism. Well-being takes me to another place, a place more helpful, a place where I can be the most flourishing version of myself…whatever that means at this particular season. I believe, tho’, that it always encompasses movement and nourishment, joy and contentment, and caring, of all sorts.

Flourishing has been difficult to come by for many of us since the pandemic arrived. A difficult menopause has added another layer of challenge for me. But the cool evenings, the quieting in the fields and woods, the gentle breezes beginning to make the leaves drift, and the…hmmm…inclination …seems to be coming back to life out of summer’s languishing. I hope to help us gather up these tiny threads of inclination, add some strong and beautiful threads of practice and ritual and weave the well-being that will give us roots…roots to hold us steady as we welcome Autumn and look to Winter’s rest beyond it.

Tho’ the dogwood flowers aren’t as seasonal as I would like, this old image best captures what I am seeking for myself just now…and you…that we offer ourselves something wholesome and encouraging to brighten and support our days…our lives. Perhaps this missive is enough to spark that care within you, if you are in need of it. Perhaps you are desiring more, some company and breadcrumbs to follow? If so, I invite you to join us at Wisteria & Sunshine as we begin our weaving our well-being there tomorrow.

It is, as always, a dear privilege to write to you!I hope your last days of summer are golden and that you may welcome Autumn with open arms when it arrives…




P.S. And please know these missives look most attractive at my web-home, where you may also find posts from the past and links to what I am up to elsewhere.