
Moths and clutter led me to start refreshing the corner pantry cupboard a few days ago…


…and an early morning walk inspired me to finish (tho’ I think it was more the sunshine and flowers).


Fresh paper, the old boards sprayed and wiped with orange-scented homemade cleaner, all of the the jars that were still full of wholesome and-shall we say-uncompromised foodstuffs were put back in their shining rows.


Grains and legumes…herbs for nourishing herbal infusions (as Susun Weed says)….dried fruit and the granola jar. It looks rather bare….lovely, but bare. Too many jars had to be emptied and the contents composted, as the summer heat did its work in my pantry while I wasn’t paying attention.


So I am glad that we are going to be focusing on thoughtfully stocking our pantries when Wisteria & Sunshine opens its doors again in a few weeks. We will very slowly and steadily find the best sources for oats…coffee…potatoes…all the delicious ingredients that we feed ourselves and our families with. Keeping the earth in mind with each marketing decision and beauty and usefulness when we bring it all home to our kitchens.


In the meantime, the contents of my cupboard may not get as much use as usual for our very late summer garden is finally coming into ripeness. We savored our first tomato sandwiches yesterday, sitting outside in the shade of the elm tree….and sliced our first zucchini oh-so-thinly on top of a simple pizza last evening as the sun set, savoring the last of summer and this August that continues to amaze us with its mildness and warmth.