Hello again! I am writing this on Sunday afternoon, just after finishing the November-welcoming post for Wisteria & Sunshine. This is my weekly rhythm, to put together Monday’s post on Sunday afternoon. But today, as I was readying the monthly calendars to share, I had the impulse to share a few with you. Usually, the month’s calendars and planning pages are waiting in the first-day-of-the-month post, but at this season, I leave both November and December. Most of us have much to contain and plan for in these months, as you likely know very well. : )



If you click the image above, it will open up the one-page calendars I began making a few years ago. And below is a glimpse of the other pages I offer each month, with membership. Refining the organization of the hundreds of printables I’ve created for Wisteria & Sunshine over the years is one of the projects I look forward to accomplishing early in the new year…when I’ll be raising the membership price a bit. It’s been at the current price for more than five years, and a tiny increase will help me so much. But I wanted to let you know since the price you join with is the price you keep, no matter how long you are a member…

And tomorrow we will begin our Advent for Advent journey through November. It’s a slow and gentle opportunity to clear and prepare for the winter holidays, and a more peaceful December. This first week we will be getting inspired to seek simplicity and sufficiency in our paring down and tidying. As well, we will begin the Clean Along with Me email series to give our homes some loving attention. And as always, the daily posts will be filled with beauty and light and gleanings of poetry and wisdom. No doubt, a few little films will become a regular feature as I continue to delight in making them, since starting my youtube channel.

I would love to welcome you within our rooms and gardens at Wisteria & Sunshine, and will be waiting just inside the door, anytime you wish to cross the threshold. Before I go, I want to wish you a happy All Hallow’s Eve and a meaningful October-into-November time. A few more clicks here, and then Doug and I will carve our two small pumpkins, put together the Samhain altar with our dear ones, light candles and say hello to the crescent moon, before settling in with a cosy supper and something autumnal to watch.

