OUTSIDE MY WINDOW…blooming lilacs and dogwoods, blue skies, piles of bright clouds, birds flitting, butterflies clinging with all their strength to the blooms blowing in the strong wind.
.I AM THINKING…the cold outside and the cold in my head will keep this a quiet day, moving between my studio computer and the sofa.
I AM THANKFUL…for the woodstove keeping my body warm and its light doing the same for my spirit.

IN THE KITCHEN…navy beans and almonds are soaking, the fridge is full of greens and I will be spending some time with my cookbooks looking for some variety almost a month into anti-inflammatory eating.
.I AM WEARING…everything is soft today (as it is most days) pale green long cotton knit dress with ruffles at neck and just below the knee, knee-length brown light-weight cardigan pinned at my bosom, plum-colored corduroy ruched skirt underneath, stripey leg warmers made from old tights, fake-fur-lined pull-on boots I wear like slippers…tho’ they inspire action, not curling up.
I AM CREATING…a new look for Wisteria & Sunshine’s rooms and gardens. After four years, it was time. It is being pared of unnecessary bits that were acquired over the years and is now so comfortably arranged with just what we need and want. And beautiful, of course…gentle and peaceful.

I AM GOING….no where in terms of travel, not even into town for days to come. But I am traveling deep inside as I continue to make my way with health issues and also refining my ways of being in the world…mostly the online world.
I AM WONDERING…so many things that are hard to put into words but are mostly to do with how to successfully follow a feminine path of being.
I AM READING…finishing Sandpiper, a biography of the poet Celia Thaxter, one of the Beatrix Potter mysteries by Susan Wittig Albert (may I confess to being bored with it?), waiting to get to the library for the last Jackson Brodie mystery by Kate Atkinson (these are re-reads), dipping in and out of a few anti-flammatory diet books trying to find my sweet spot with all of the advice.

.I AM HOPING…to find the staying power I need to see out my own chosen approaches with my health and work. It’s more challenging than I would have thought. Faith is entering in, I hope.
I AM LOOKING FORWARD… to the weather settling into warmth and green, even tho’ it will mean saying goodbye to our daily fires and hello to lots of weeding.
I AM LEARNING…that tho’ it is easy for me to let go of stuff of all kinds…possessions that are neither lovely or useful, unhelpful habits, online patterns…it is harder to rest easy in the spaciousness and not begin to fill it in the same ways all over again. But I am making progress with keeping Sufficiency a watchword.
AROUND THE HOUSE…I am longing to rearrange things, but really have no good options (having tried them all over the years!), nor can my back take any of that sort of rearranging right now. So I am pouring that longing into Wisteria & Sunshine and soon another online place. As well, I will be keeping my eyes open at the thrift stores for a tablecloth or curtains I can fashion into new chair covers.
.I AM PONDERING…how to more gracefully and naturally shift this blog a little from the place of sharing beauty and my heart that it has always been to also sharing more of what I am most drawn to-living more thoughtfully on the earth and with our days. I was going to say my passion…my enthusiasm…but it hasn’t felt that way for awhile. Pondering how to keep our ardor alive and fed while dealing with chronic pain is something else I am pondering.
ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS…these days…laying flat on my back on the sofa getting lost in a movie, or more often, a British series of some sort. When our fussy internet allows.
A FEW PLANS FOR THE WEEK…I am writing this on Friday, so my week is almost over. But I will be continuing to redecorate Wisteria & Sunshine in the next few days, get back to posting on Monday, some menu-planning (this is always a wrench for me, for some reason), keeping steady with my yoga and diet and other paths.
P.S. Please excuse the wonky fonts, something to sort out….
sarah April 8, 2016 at 3:15 pm
I am sorry for your pain, I hope very much you find a remedy in diet and anything else that might help.
Lesley April 15, 2016 at 11:20 am
I think it may be helping, Sarah. Thank you for your kindness.
jenni April 8, 2016 at 3:41 pm
i loved reading about your thougts for the day especially what you are wearing which sounds so wonderful and i am such a fan of celia thaxter i will need to look into that book.
So sorry that you are having chronic pain and hope your new way of eating is something that will begin to make a difference…
Lesley April 15, 2016 at 11:22 am
Thank you, dear Jenni. I do enjoy putting together soft, layered outfits from my thrift store gleanings.
Paula April 10, 2016 at 2:19 pm
What a beautiful blog you have!! I hope you have a wonderful week to come!
Lesley April 15, 2016 at 11:22 am
I so appreciate your words, Paula…and welcome!
Kathy April 11, 2016 at 6:49 pm
What an absolutely lovely blog you have! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post, as it made me feels as if I were sitting right there with you. I’m so very sorry you live with chronic pain. I have a few friends who do as well. I do hope the anti-inflammatory diet you’re looking into works for you and eases at least some of your pain. I do hope you have a wonderful week, and I look forward to visiting here again.
Lesley April 15, 2016 at 11:23 am
I’m glad you found me, Kathy, and am grateful for your compassion and good wishes. I send some back to you.