my seaside (sort of)
When I rediscovered this blog a few days ago, I was grateful that Pamela so evocatively described what I have been feeling all summer…with growing intensity each month, until in early August I thought that my pining for an empty house by the sea would make me an unsatisfied, sulking woman for the rest of the summer.
But this weekend, I was given the idea (delivered fully-formed into my mind), that it was time to stop thinking about the rustic beach cabin on Cape Cod where I would spend the month of August in solitude, or the simple cottage on the tidal creek where all is sparkling blue and marsh green outside the window that spreads in front of the spacious desk where I will make plans and write and gaze…and get real.
Neither are in my budget, nor do I have invitations or directions to any such dwelling-places in the real world…in my real world. But I remembered that my parents-in-law are out of town…and that their house is blessedly free of any living things that need tending…and that the rough wooden table in the sunroom and the bleached wooden deck might lend something of a seaside air (with a visit to the nearby river beach for good measure)…and with the telephones turned down and their tabletops filled with my own notebooks and laptop and supplies, I could create something of a retreat spirit.
So I am enjoying a few days business retreat to take stock and dream and organize as one season draws to a close and another begins to draw near…and the half-moon hangs in the August dark. I will share some photos of my make-do retreat over the next few days…