December 2011

a happy new year to all….

I’ve dragged myself from my sickbed just long enough to post this little post to wish you all, truly, a Happy and Bright New Year. No fireworks and music and feasting as we usually have to see in the New Year…not for me, anyway. I will be home alone with my mom, feeling a bit sorry for myself, probably not staying up to see the New Year in for the first time in memory, but still grateful for the year behind and hopeful for the year ahead…hoping I will feel well enough to wobble to the back door to let the old year out..and then wobble to the front door to let the new year in…if not at midnight, then at some wee wakeful hour…in the peaceful dark. And I shall be thinking of my family celebrating in town, and dear ones all across the world, including you, and will also be listening, in the crook of the partly-open door, to cold and the crescent-moon quietness and the possibilities…

peeking around the door…

Just popping by to say that, as I mentioned in my last post, I am soon opening the door to my new endeavor. I’ve just created a page here  which explains it all and has a sign up at the bottom of the page to let you know when the doors will be flung wide open. I am hoping to be ready before the Twelve Days of Christmas have passed, which we are just beginning to settle into. Guests have returned to their homes and we are restoring ours to order and peace…and long, quiet days of creativity and rest.
Sending you good wishes for a Bright New Year!