…having finished my calendar for this year…
…and with so many thoughts to share, but I seem to
be unable to find the words tonight! It feels so odd,
but is the practical result of too many late nights
and too many ideas trying to be manifested in
too little time.
I don’t like to bring this up…but the passing of days
seems to be accelerating, as is so familiar each year at
this time. But-oh how I am trying to keep the hours
and days reined in! And I am having to let go of things,
here and there, to accomplish it…a hard thing to do.
The full details may be found here at my website,
and if you are thinking of placing an order this week
(December 6th is the last ordering day!), you might
like to read my update there.
Here’s to savoring the last days
of Autumn and the first days of Advent. I spent
a few glorious moments today under the blue sky
and the nearly bare trees, with the sweetly whistling
birds and tiny fluttering insects and a few
humming bees to accompany me.
The trees whispered to me of the art of letting go.
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