Well! My March break turned into something much longer and ended up being nothing like I hoped it would be. We could all say that about March 2020, I imagine? I am well, and dearly hope you are the same…as well as can be, anyway. Tho’ I’ve gone quiet everywhere except Wisteria & Sunshine, I plan to leave a proper missive here sometime next week. I’ve been very, very busy in studio creating the school year Daybook things for the past five weeks, but will have my shop filled. By Saturday, fingers crossed.

Before I then start filling orders, and take a real break from work in late August, I’d love to try to find a new rhythm here. It feels more hopeful now that I’ve left Facebook, post only now and then at Instagram, and have been sinking into a more analogue life…if it can be called analogue with all the hours I still spend in front of the computer and my daily escape with another episode in my current series on the telly. Perhaps a less social media life is more apt?

So I’ll see you soon.

