Outside my window

the sun is descending and the little glimpse of wheatfield on the horizon is golden-green in the light…

I am thinking

I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.” Forgive me! I watched Pride and Prejudice again after a long time without it and have been listening to the soundtrack, so it has remained with me all week…

I am thankful
for the gentle sunlight…on the rug in my studio in the morning when I exercise, on my face when I get out to feed the hens, across the kitchen table in the late afternoon…

In the kitchen

some of our hens’ eggs are hard-boiled and waiting in the fridge to be made into Easter egg salad tomorrow, and two layers of yellow cake, made several nights ago, are waiting in the freezer to be frosted and decorated with wildflowers for Easter day…

I am wearing

loose white and grey leggings with a little grey knit dress…and barefeet outside or warm slippers in…

I am creating
an Easter tree, earlier today anyway, and more peaceful bedrooms in our home…

I am going

no further than the kitchen garden or a walk in the woods…lucky me

I am wondering

if I can keep exercising and eating less than I want to…

I am reading

Sweeping Changes for our reading circle, The Wind Off the Sea for my novel

I am hoping

my energies will continue to match my plans…

I am looking forward to

dear sons home tomorrow, and an anniversary of the heart

I am learning

how to balance offline and online life better in little ways…

Around the house

continuing the Spring Cleaning and enjoying the peace it is adding to our rooms-once the higgledy-piggledy portion of the process is over…


I am pondering

how to better weather the constant ups and downs of caregiving…
A favorite quote for today

And when folding quilts, you can recall the robes of the “patchwork monks” who slept enveloped in the scent of pine trees. The sewing of these robes was described by one monk as “the sewing of one cloud to another.” This is the way our lives are put together, one piece, one moment at a time.”

-Gary Thorpe
(from our reading at Wisteria & Sunshine…this has stayed in my mind for many days)

One of my favorite things

woody apple branches with their delicate blossoms

A few plans for the rest of the week

  making almond milk for the first time, focusing my thoughts to write about tending ourselves as well as our homes, getting outside in the garden to tidy and weed, perusing landscaping books with my deario…

…and thank you, Peggy