Hello dear reader,

I'm writing to you at my upstairs desk, watching the morning mist rise from the fields, the dew dripping from the rooftop outside my window. Autumn is here. I had a small, illuminating adventure a few days ago...wrote a post about it at Wisteria & Sunshine...then made that post into the little film I share with you below.
Click to watch...

When I was almost ready to send this on its way, I noticed the speedwell flower in the banner...and then the tangle of orange in the otherwise cosy scene above...and started to create a more autumnal banner, and search for another photo to share with you. Then I remembered the message from the snakeskin, and let go of the needless work of perfecting this note to you. And then I realized that the tangle of orange on the table evokes very well what the Autumn Asks journey (that begins tomorrow) at Wisteria & Sunshine is about...noticing what takes away from the contentment and beauty we might otherwise feel in our days, and responding to those noticings with gentle actions.

I'm sure I later plucked up my husband's neon-colored exercise band and tucked it back into the basket where it belongs, out of sight. That is what we will be doing with so much in our lives...online too-muchness...material clutter...too many obligations and pressures. and more...through October and November.

I hope you will join us and wish you a peaceful & lovely Autumn,

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