August 2006

Pages for Planning


When Small Meadow Press began, I offered a whole set of planning pages for home learning. I sold these for three years until the last one that I sent on its way early this Spring. As useful as they are, they are very time-consuming for me to print and hard to offer for a reasonable price. I have long wanted to offer these pages as PDF files to download, and I am happy to tell you that all the pages are now available on my website. If you would like to see them and perhaps print some for your home-school or just to organize your days-you will find them in The Shop under “Home Learning Notes”.


*Drat! I have received several emails today that let me know that those with PCs have been unable to open the files. I have spent as much of the afternoon that I can bear to trying to figure this out, but will try to remedy the situation as soon as I am able. I have posted a question about this at the Apple forums and am awaiting guidance. If you have a Mac, you should be able to download the PDFs just fine. Sorry for the frustration!

8/13/06 I believe the PDFs should work for everyone now…..thanks very much for your help in testing the new links, Clarice!

Finding Summer


Boy is recovered. What a relief! When his ear was at its worst, and elder son was at a friend’s house and husband was working day and night, I experienced this lovely-tho’-stressful few days of intense nurturing. Tucking my son up in clean sheets on the sofa, plying him with remedies of all kinds, making soothing drinks, cooling his brow and watching him slip into sleep over and over again. Then I would quietly rearrange cluttered places in our rooms, make piles of things to give away, fashion new “slipcovers” out of antique sheets and unused cloths. My “slipcovers” for the porch sofa consist of laying the pillows on a big, pinked square of fabric and tying the ends neatly together at the back of the pillow….I just wrap the sitting cushion with a large piece of fabric. This fabric is an old duvet cover from Ikea that I cut in pieces… was nicely faded by the sun when it served as a tent cover for the young chicks this Spring. I like it so much better now! The blue is refreshing on hot days and gives me that hue that my eyes long for since we are far from the sea. So nurturing my son and nurturing my home have been the order of the days this week.

In the living room and kitchen I drape thick white sheets that come from Doug’s family over the couches and as curtains. Some have lovely detailing on the edges. It makes my home so fresh and light, tho’ I spend more time than I would like rearranging the sheets after my sons and their friends have sat and sprawled upon them. I have also had the time to putter a bit, adding touches of beauty here and there…..

I really could spend all day, everyday uncluttering and beautifying each corner of my home….I really neglected it during the busy-rest-of-the-year. I found this quote by Henry Matisse at another blog that has been inspiring me this week

But I realize that is always true, there is always something more to do. And yes, we are getting
a good taste of summertime now, but I have yet to really let go of all my “to-dos”. My newest plan is to do a little something in each room of the downstairs (no tackling of the children’s rooms yet!) each day and leave it at that. The house will slowly get pared down to what we love and need, and I will keep expressing my gratitude for it in pretty ways and it doesn’t have to happen all at once, nor do I have to wait for it all to be done to really plunge into savoring this season.